Educationally, cicely values:
Relationships: between teacher and learner(s), and among learner(s)
Rigor: pushing ourselves in order to build capacity
Range: ability to consider multiple perspectives and how far divergence can take us
Relevance: coursework and lessons that are useful to those experiencing them
Reflection: considering well what we see, within and without
Magically, she is:
A skilled divinator; witchily working her will on the world; perceptive; always trying to connect more closely with nature; ancestor- and earth-centered; trusting of herself; deeply nerdy (so many journals!)
Personally, she is:
In recovery for perfectionism; apt to view the world through the lenses of math and linguistics; precise; quick to laugh; a metastatic cancer patient; methodical; engaged and enthusiastic; eternally concerned with questions of power; relationship-oriented; ADHD; ruthlessly organized; a question generator