Our mission Statement



Our Mission:

  • To provide a space for us to reclaim the lost and stolen knowledge of our ancestors.
  • To provide communal opportunities for coursework, group work, and personal enrichment experiences around earth-focused practices and  ways of knowing  
  • To provide space and connection for the community of artists, learners, scholars, creatives, and practitioners of earth-focused practices and ways of knowing
  • To provide education, community, organizational opportunities around earth-focused practices and ways of knowing

We envision a movement that supports  individuals' decolonization process of mind, body, heart, and spirit. We recognize that, as the descendants of enslaved and massacred groups, we have been holistically cut off from our birthrights and the magic of the ancients. We hope to provide a recuperative and reclaiming space. We hope to help our injured souls heal and grow in our magical powers. We are our own medicine. We are our own magic.  We are our own future. May we be the ancestors future generations deserve.

We serve those who:

  • Have lived experience, cultural connection and recent ancestors who were colonized under white supremacy
  • Have experienced racism
  • Are impacted by institutionalized structures of white supremacy and  white power

And those who are looking to:

  • Recover self and lost history
  • Ground themselves in ancestral ways of knowing  and connecting to the earth.


Our Guiding Principles

We take our cues from the living systems we perceive and move within. Accordingly we are:

Communal and collaborative;
We share resources and work together.

Multi-modal and flexible;  
We know there are multiple ways to get things done, so we’re happy to try many approaches.

Resilient and dynamic;
We continue to breath, fight, push, work, learn, try, and love; living in a society where power is ever-shifting, we change how to do those things as it becomes necessary.

Self-regulating and self-sustaining;
We are our own magic and our own medicine.

Resisting and empowering;
We acknowledge that each act of reclaiming ancestral knowledge is one of resistance. We support each other on our paths towards decolonization.