
blackmathmagician Principal Founder and Curriculum Advisor

Educationally, cicely values:

Relationships: between teacher and learner(s), and among learner(s)

Rigor: pushing ourselves in order to build capacity

Range: ability to consider multiple perspectives and how far divergence can take us

Relevance: coursework and lessons that are useful to those experiencing them

Reflection: considering well what we see, within and without

Magically, she is:

A skilled divinator; witchily working her will on the world; perceptive; always trying to connect more closely with nature; ancestor- and earth-centered; trusting of herself; deeply nerdy (so many journals!)

Personally, she is:

In recovery for perfectionism; apt to view the world through the lenses of math and linguistics; precise; quick to laugh; a metastatic cancer patient; methodical; engaged and enthusiastic; eternally concerned with questions of power; relationship-oriented; ADHD; ruthlessly organized; a question generator


Letty Martinez

letty chichitonyolotli martinez

Principal Founder

Admin Support

Queer, Indigenous Mexican, raised in Chicago, letty has lived in portland for 5 years working in various capacities as a community health educator. letty uses writing, drawing, and painting as a way to document their process of decolonization of their self, heart mind and spirit while working as a folk herbalist, and animal communicator. letty's path towards reclamation has been a winding one that began with reading poetry in nahuatl at the age of 9 and building skills in heart to heart talks (platicas) beginning at the age of 15. letty's professional path has been that of a counselor and community healer by way of community health education and resource sharing employing social justice focused and trauma informed lenses. Over the last decade and a half after suffering a trauma resulting in a kind of soul loss (susto), letty has been working more intentionally in reclaiming ancestral knowledge through connecting with earth practices of herbalism and animal observation and communication. letty works to learn more about Aztec Danza and is in community with a number of capullis in the Portland Metro area and studies the teachings of young Master  Akaxe Yotzin  of the Nahua Lessons School in Chicago. Lastly, letty is a student of the way of the dog, learning through stewardship, observation and cooperation.

Noxtin Nomecoyotzin~All of Our Relations


Laylita F. 


Principal Founder


Community Outreach

Growing up next to Salem, Massachusetts, black pointy hats and witchery were my first introduction to witchcraft.  I was always drawn to the sullen women with pale skin, bright blue eyes and straight black hair.  My light skin privilege gave me a lot of access to that world, but when I would reach out to touch it, I’d hit glass.  Growing up, I didn’t learn about the deepness of Iranian culture or the power of Cuban culture, rooted in African and Yoruba traditions.

I was born with a powerful, often painful connection to the earth and it has led me across the world and country.  Deep into the desert, high into the alpine and finally here, deep into the giant trees.  To heal.  And now, to help others heal.